Parallax Technology, Inc.

We manufacture and service DC CO2 laser tubes

Electronic Liquids for cooling your laser tube.

Your glass medical tube - Deka / Sharplan / Lumenis / Parallax - can use 770 or 3283 as coolant.

You can top off with either . Don't need to flush the system.

DC CO2 laser tubes like PLX medical, Deka surgical and Deka dental, Lumenis Ultrapulse and Acupulse, Sharplan Silk Touch and others use Fluorinert™ Electronic Liquid as coolant.
The Electronic Liquids offered in this page are provided as a service to our CO2 laser customers.

This page is current as of : Feb. 28, 2025

I don't need explanations. Go to Prices !

Electronic Coolant manufactures ship their electronic liquid in 5 kg and 20 kg jugs and 55 gallon drums. We repackage and ship you FC-3283 and FC-40 in small quantities that you need to top off your laser reservoir.

When the Electronic Liquid coolant in your laser system evaporates and you ask for 'just a little to top off my reservoir' or when you lose some coolant when you service your laser tube, you could go and buy the smallest factory packaged 5 kg container and use it over many years !

However that would be extremely wasteful and expensive because Electronic Liquids evaporate and also have a 3 year (3283) shelf life from date of manufacture.

For that reason we provide you Electronic Liquid coolant in smaller repackaged amounts. You can choose typical re-packaged quantities needed for your laser tube and / or HV power supply.

-- We maintain a reasonable quantity on hand for your immediate needs. Please see table below or inquire at contact us.

For your convenience we have given some descriptions below.
-- Electronic Liquids are inert coolants for various electronic and high voltage applications. See a comparison of various Fluorinerts properties at 3M™ web site.

-- Physical Properties of FC-770, FC-3283 and FC-40. These will take you to 3M™ web site.

-- Material Safety Data Sheet : FC-770 , FC-3283 and FC-40 SDS. These will take you to 3M™ web site.

*** Very Important ***
Some web sites are selling these fluids at low prices. Two points to consider before purchase:
- 1: Electronic Liquids have Shelf Life, watch out for it.
- 2: Some are 'used fluid' that 'large users' must dispose of properly but it finds its way to the Internet. 'Pre used Fluorinert' is NOT to be used in Laser tubes or any other application that needs these fluids because of their unique properties.
Low prices are ok but KNOW what you are buying because you don't want to destroy the equipment.

Most of you are familiar with the Electronic Liquid coolant in your lasers. For those of you who are not familiar with it, this is the short version description.

Laser system manufacturers like Sharplan, Lumenis, Deka, SmartXide Dot etc. require Electronic Liquid coolant, a specialty fluid from 3M™ and others, as coolant for their laser tubes. It is a colorless, odorless liquid (just like water) and if you get some of it on your fingers, it is harmless (just wash your hands with water).

When you remove for service and re-install a medical laser tube, some of the coolant fluid gets spilled and is lost. Most of you need 'a little' to fill the laser tube or 'top off' the reservoir, sometimes less than 'a cup full'.

Since manufacturers supply Fluorinert™ liquids in 5 Kg ( and larger) containers, you need to figure out "how much coolant do I need ?"

A Deka 30 Watt tube, just the glass tube by itself, takes 100 cc
Sharplan 20C, 30C and 40C tubes, just the glass tube by itself, take 100 cc
If system reservoir is also emptly, count on 500 cc total but you may have some leftover .

Also include the pump, the tubing and the ballast. Only you can determine how much you need, depending on how empty your system is.

The FC's listed here are about 2 times heavier than water. Here are some rough calculations for figuring how much Electronic Coolant you need to buy to fill your laser tube / system:

By volume, a cup is 8 Oz = 237 cc. A can of Coke is 12 Oz (355 cc).

By weight, 1000 cc of water ~ 34 US fluid Oz ~ 2.2 lbs

1000 cc Electronic Liquid coolant ~ 34 US fluid Oz ~ 4.4 lbs
 500 cc ~ 17 Oz ~ 1 kg = 2.2 lbs
 250 cc ~ 8.5 Oz ~ 1/2 kg ~ 1 lbs
 125 cc ~ 4.2 Oz ~ 1/4 kg ~ 1/2 lbs


All Parts & Supplies are Prepaid and all sizes are available from stock unless otherwise noted below.

Coolant shipping is Final
Not Returnable and Non-Refundable after it leaves our premises.

    Notes to laser technicians:

  • Don't let this fluid drip. It is expensive!
  • Electronic Liquids have an Expiration Date, look for it. For example, FC-77 ( 3 yr life) was discontinued by 3M™ in 2008 but entrepreneurs are still selling it on eBay !
  • Do not use the cheap 're-claimed' Electronic Liquid available on the Internet in your laser tube. Why ? Because clean Fluorinert™ is extremely innert but if the used stuff has lost its properties in its previous life, your tube may get damaged.
  • There exists cheap Electronic Liquids on the Internet. We do not know what they are but if you use other than manufacturer recommended fluid in your system you may pay for the consequences.

To order please send e-mail or call

You often need very little to top off the reservoir in your laser and as our laser customer we are obliged to provide you repackaged amounts in typical quantities needed to 'top off' or fill the reservoir in your laser.

Bottle sizes

3M™ FC-40
Density 1.85 gr/cc
Shelf Life 5 yrs
Density 1.82 gr/cc
Shelf Life 3 yrs
Expires 2027
Shipping info -
Volume Genuine 3M FC-40
Expires 2029
Net weight | $
FC-770 unavailable from 3M
Deka, Lumenis & Parallax medical tubes
can use 3283 instead of 770.

Boxes /shipping weights
125 cc 125 cc,
230 gr
$275 _
dimensional wt. 2 lbs
250 cc bottle 250 cc
462 gr
$345 250 cc
455 gr
dimensional wt. 2 lbs
500 cc bottle
500 cc
925 gr
$650 500 cc
910 gr
wt. 3 lbs
1000 cc bottle
1000 cc
1.85 kg
$1200 1000 cc
1.82 kg
wt. 5 lbs
See this Chart to Compare properties of the above electronic liquids.

We ship same day if your order comes in by 11 am Eastern time.

We ship UPS Ground, FOB Parallax, Prepaid and Add to your invoice.
You may also ask us to ship faster or use your own UPS account number.

Ships from:
We are in Waltham, Massachusetts 02453.
Weights are dimensional for 250 cc and smaller.
3 lbs & 5 lbs for 500 & 1000 cc respectively.
You can go to UPS site and find the shipping cost.

This is an expensive product and you may want to consider carrier insurance for value..

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